A new measurable coaching and mentoring approach for the Business Minded & Human Hearted.
“When you are in ‘Start-Up’ mode, it is easy to get stuck on a particular issue. I let this become my primary, if not only focus for a long period of time. Steven Hess – thank you for bringing me back down to earth, helping me refocus, thank you for the eureka moment, your conflict resolution skills and helping me cease taking things personally and therefore getting to a great outcome.”
SHALOM LLOYD | Founder & Managing Director | Winner 'Female Entrepreneur' First-Enterprise 2019 | Winner 'Female Entrepreneur' Women Leaders UK Awards 2018 | Women4Africa 2018 UK Woman in Tech (STEM) Award Winner | The Precious Awards 2017 Outstanding Woman in STEM 2017 | Cherie Blair Foundation Mentor
You don’t get to first place without a second opinion.
Mentorship, in all its forms, has value - a consultancy will absolutely focus on harder measures. It just tends to ignore the human element when it comes to forging a path toward success. And where a business or life coach will do wonders when morale reaches rock bottom, it will focus much less on your bottom line.
WhiteCap offers a different way forward - empathy, but with action, guidance, and goals; ambition plus authenticity. The science of success is a two-sided coin, and WhiteCap gives you both in a quantified system designed to identify what’s working well and areas for focus.
Our approach starts with an assessment of how you believe you are doing against the seven levers for success. We look at your expected scores and benchmark against the WhiteCap database, grouping results in areas where you are doing well, areas for some improvement and areas for focus. The system sets the path for our coaching programme and works for teams and individuals.
The WhiteCap Equation
WhiteCap aims to help businesses and individuals reach their professional peak through a proven approach of goal orientated coaching and support. We do this through a system of guiding principles - the levers required to succeed. The WhiteCap System.
The WhiteCap Glossary of Terms
The only way toward clarity and progress.
1. Why are you doing what you are doing?
2. The ability to determine how you’re doing so far - what signs do you have that you are on the right track? What would others say about you?
3. Who are you being honest with? It is easy to fool yourself.
Everyone needs to know where the buck stops; success is bound to your willingness to be held responsible when that person is you.
1. You know the kind of person you want to be and how to get there, but how do you know you are keeping on track?
2. Being held to account for you actions and behaviour by a third party is key to progress.
The need to make a difference paired with the plan that gets you there.
1. Knowing where you really want to go - why do you want to go there? What are you prepared to risk? What are you willing to invest?
2. Asking yourself hard questions like ‘what resources do I have? Is this credible? Does this link across my personal and professional life?
The ability to see the wood for the trees.
1. ‘Can you write down what you want, clearly, in one sentence? That’s clarity.’
The only route through which anything of worth is created.
1. A scarce resource that needs to be used wisely.
2. Systems of thinking applied to your whole being; what you read, how you sleep, what you eat, how you exercise.
3. Knowing raw determination is not enough.
‘Your energy can transform a team, a problem, a difficult sales pitch or customer.’
Providing you with the courage of your convictions.
1. The art of benchmarking and evaluating against other paths, understanding the essence of how people will respond, support or resist you through the eyes of someone who’s done it before.
Getting things done. Because without forward momentum - identifying, working through and closing tasks there is no progress.
1. Are you able to systematically get tasks closed and completed?
2. If you work with others, are you able to encourage them to get their tasks done?
Steven is a great listener and an effective coach who understands the challenges of running a startup and scaling a business. His advice and coaching was helpful in dealing with cofounder conflict. He has been a great sounding board as I was pivoting my career from being a banker to being an entrepreneur. He has coached me on how to deal with the challenges of managing difficult stakeholders and making tough decisions in a startup environment. Steven brings a wealth of experience as a serial entrepreneur, a pragmatic investor and a creative problem solver.
Joysy John MBE | EdTech Advisor | Innovation & Transformation Consultant | Top 100 BAME leaders influencing the tech sector
By marrying ambition with clarity, honesty with accountability, WhiteCap creates the energy required to turn aspirations into action.
The WhiteCap system is built on a unique viewpoint on what it takes to be a successful team, a business or to create success for you yourself. Teams and business are built from individuals, each will have a blend of experiences, likes and dislikes. Success involves having a very clear mindset, paired with the ambition and focus required to act, with honesty, empathy, energy and effectiveness just as essential in making sure you get there.
So wherever it is you’re trying to go, we’re here to help you get there. Try the system for yourself, book in for a personal WhiteCap system review or get in touch for the team approach. Take the assessment and we’ll run through the results of your seven levers for success in a capsule session. Three minute assessment, 20 minute session and identify areas for focus and reinforcement.