There’s No Limit on Being Better
From surgeons to basketball players, continued education and training is key to being better. And that includes business.
When business is succeeding, stakeholders are prone to congratulate themselves on a job well done. Their skills and experience have been sufficient to get them to their chosen destination and so ends the story. But complacency is a killer. It stifles innovation, shuts the door to potentially profitable ideas and arrests our development not just a business people but as participants in our own lives.
The wise operator keeps it fresh by stretching and challenging themselves with new ideas, approaches and philosophies. It pays to keep the mind match-fit because in business you never know when you’ll be required to put in a new personal best. WhiteCap work closely with your business to develop bespoke programmes which encourage your team to be more entrepreneurial but with the keen acknowledgement that newly empowered teams have implications for how you manage, run and assess them going forward. White Cap offers a holistic approach to both these factors.
“Steven has been a mentor on the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme for the last 3 years. In addition to his insightful keynotes on all things start-up, his one to one mentoring and coaching sessions have helped advance both our entrepreneurs’ businesses and their personal growth and development. It is mentors like Steven that have helped make the Clinic Entrepreneur Programme the world’s largest and most successful entrepreneurial workforce development programme in healthcare”