Investing in Yourself is Always Money Well Spent
Education and Learning is a catch-all phrase for everything from learning to lead fast growth organisations to simply getting your mojo back. There are a bewildering range of options and not all will be a good fit or make best use of your resources. Getting serious about your business takes more than a positive attitude. It takes reading, practice and getting the right guidance around setting goals, aligning behaviour with principles and increasing your appetite for risk and responsibility.
At WhiteCap we believe that learning needs to be a structured one-on-one affair which includes the relevant tools and techniques to help you understand that things are bigger now and why you need to behave more like an entrepreneur. We like to say that There’s No Limit on Being Better because we know that the best and brightest in every field continually invest in themselves and never stop learning. They know that it matters. That it’s often the difference between going large or going home.
“Steven has been a great supporter of the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme as both a mentor to individuals and as a programme sponsor through the Startup Leadership Programme. He has always been extremely generous with his time, offering his expertise and guidance not only to support his appointed mentees navigate the difficult journey of creating a successful start-up but also in supporting the programme team meet its strategic aims and ambitions”